JMP Securities 的榜单确定了互联网安全、网络和存储领域快速增长的挑战者和创新者

– 2017 年 9 月 6 日
– 全球领先的 SD-WAN 提供商Aryaka® 今天宣布,JMP Securities 已将该公司列入其超级 60 强名单,以表彰互联网安全、网络和存储领域 “最热门 “的私营公司。
JMP Securities超级60报告(前身为 “快速50″)追踪那些拥有强大运营基础和可持续技术差异的私营公司。
“Aryaka总裁兼首席执行官Shawn Farshchi表示:”随着关键任务应用向云计算和SaaS环境迁移,全球企业必须找到传统MPLS技术的可行替代方案,以提高运营效率并降低成本。
“具有前瞻性思维的公司的首席信息官们正在迅速采用Aryaka的全球 SD-WAN 对于 更快地交付这些应用程序.因此,考虑到现代企业的需求以及日益增长的远程和移动员工队伍,我们的增长将继续进一步加速。Aryaka的全球SD-WAN可帮助国际企业从全球任何地方为企业数据中心、分支机构和远程或移动员工提供性能更高的云和内部部署应用。该解决方案目前已在63个国家的600多家公司部署,并迅速成为当今市场上唯一可行的MPLS替代解决方案。欲了解有关Aryaka屡获殊荣的全球SD-WAN的更多信息,请访问
About the Super 60 Selection Process JMP Securities believes the agility of the Super 60 companies affords them the market opportunity to iterate new products and respond to changing technology dynamics, positioning them well to take share from incumbents.
With a strong operational foundation, and sustainable technological differentiation, JMP believes the Super 60 are disrupting the technology titans that dominate the traditional landscape but lack the vision, agility or perseverance to adapt to market trends. About Aryaka Aryaka is transforming how global enterprises connect sites and users worldwide, and use mission-critical applications to support modern business execution demands.
Aryaka’s Global SD-WAN combines a purpose-built private network, SD-WAN, optimization and acceleration techniques, connectivity to cloud platforms, and network visibility in a single solution that is delivered as a service. 欲了解更多信息,请访问。TwitterFacebookYouTubeLinkedIn 上关注我们。Aryaka 媒体联系人Shehzad Karkhanawala 营销总监 Aryaka 408-273-8420[email protected]