AltoRoutes 与 Aryaka 的合作将为其客户群提供软件定义广域网即服务、应用加速和 CDN 服务,而成本仅为传统解决方案的一小部分。

由于Aryaka的广域网即服务(WAN as-a-Service)产品组合是按需提供的云服务,因此必须快速连接到分支机构、远程合作伙伴站点或远程数据中心托管的云服务的企业现在可以在几分钟或几小时内部署高速、专用和优化的业务级连接,而不是像传统解决方案那样需要几周或几个月的时间。
“AltoRoutes首席执行官Roi Shillo表示:”AltoRoutes的使命是为客户提供最佳的混合云体验,随着越来越多的关键任务企业应用迁移到云,一些企业发现传统的企业网络和优化解决方案并不适合。
随着 “站点到站点 “流量的重要性逐渐让位于 “任意到任意 “的连接和协作模式,企业发现传统的专线解决方案(如 MPLS)过于昂贵,无法跟上云计算和移动化的趋势。
Aryaka的SD-WAN即服务(SD-WAN as-a-Service)为企业提供了一条通往云计算的全球私有优化快车道。
Aryaka和AltoRoutes还与微软Azure和亚马逊网络服务(Amazon Web Services)等主要云提供商合作,确保企业知识工作者能以局域网般的速度访问所有重要的云应用程序。
由于全球90%的企业用户与Aryaka POP的距离都在30毫秒以内,网络管理员可以通过商业级互联网线路连接到Aryaka的全球网络,确保快速访问云应用,而AltoRoutes通常可以帮助他们在数小时内完成配置。
“Aryaka全球服务提供商联盟副总裁Mark Fogel表示:”我们很高兴AltoRoutes加入我们的融合合作伙伴计划。
Aryaka 基于云的 SD-WAN、 应用加速CDN 服务 AltoRoutes 通过按需交付模式提供所有这些服务,无需购买昂贵的设备,无需签订冗长的合同,也无需承担复杂的管理和维护负担。我们与AltoRoutes的合作将有助于我们在这一具有重要战略意义的地区拓展业务。Aryaka Fusion合作伙伴的联合客户可以立即访问全球优化的基础设施,以实现分布在各地的团队之间的实时协作。富讯合作伙伴还可获得复制、备份和灾难恢复的数据保护,以及对云服务的集成访问和对网络、云和IP应用的内置加速。欲了解更多有关富讯合作伙伴计划的信息,请访问:
About AltoRoutes AltoRoutes Ltd. is a cloud system integration company with extensive telecom and WAN capabilities.
Our customers are putting some of their most strategic workloads in the public cloud, and are using private links for network connectivity in order to preserve high security levels and throughput.
We provide this unique blend of cloud and telecom technical consulting services at an enterprise grade.
At AltoRoutes we understand the challenges tied to cloud computing and network integration, and we work to remove the complexity and simplify the end-to-end experience.
We offer a complete, packaged approach from software and network infrastructure to assessment, design, implementation, and finally day-to-day monitoring and management.
AltoRoutes, as a Regional Hybrid Cloud Expert, provides such services as Disaster Recovery as-a-Service, SaaS for Enterprise users, Hybrid Storage Solution and Fast Trading solutions. AltoRoutes Media Contact: Roi Shillo +1-212-4611-586 [email protected] About AryakaAryaka, the pioneer of WAN as-a-Service, delivers network optimization and application acceleration for the global enterprise, for better collaboration, communication, and business productivity.
Aryaka eliminates the need for costly WAN appliances and long-haul private links.
Aryaka’s groundbreaking WAN Optimization as-a-Service accelerates any application to any location and provides organizations with an affordable, optimized, and fully meshed network to access on-premises applications, as well as cloud services.
Aryaka’s Application Delivery as-a-Service enables globally distributed employees, customers, partners, and mobile end users to quickly access centralized enterprise applications and public-facing web resources from anywhere in the world.
All services provide end-to-end visibility with 24×7 world-class support. 欲了解更多信息,请访问。TwitterFacebookYouTubeLinkedIn 上关注我们。