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Aryaka 的总体经济影响TM

研究显示,使用 Aryaka 的 SD-WAN 和 SASE 平台,投资 回报率 高达 113%,投资 回收期小于 6 个月


Forrester Consulting 对 Aryaka 的广域网托管服务进行了独立的成本效益分析,发现该解决方案的投资回报率高达 113%,而且在四个现有客户的综合组织中,投资回收期小于 6 个月。

  • 将 NetOps 人员的工作量减少 45
  • 降低延迟,提高用户生产力和满意度
  • 内置威胁防护的安全优势
  • 以更少的努力为业务的加速扩展带来可衡量的影响
  • 三年净收益 467 万美元,净现值 248 万美元

下载研究报告,了解完整的研究结果,并了解企业利用 Aryaka 的 SD-WAN 和 SASE 服务可以取得哪些成果。

“Aryaka gives us an all-encompassing solution with their own network, POPs, managed services, SASE, etc. The other vendors had excellent technology, but they were just selling boxes”

- Technical architect, transportation

“A few years ago, we had to send people home during a 6-hour outage. Imagine how many people there are in a distribution center”

- Senior manager, retail

“They [Aryaka] monitor and remediate any internet circuit that goes down on our network. Their devices do the notification, and their team corrects the issue without us having to do anything”

- Director of procurement, engineering consulting

“Without Aryaka, we’d need 30-40% more time for configurations”

- Network solutions lead, manufacturing