Aryaka Launches Clientless SD-WAN for Remote Workers
6월 15, 2017
Aryaka is now offering clientless SD-WAN, which essentially has all of the same features as its primary service, SmartConnect.
Aryaka brings benefits of software defined to remote and mobile workers
6월 15, 2017
Aryaka’s SmartACCESS SD-WAN product improves application performance for remote and mobile workers, providing a global private network, WAN optimization and IP app acceleration.
Aryaka Launches Clientless SD-WAN for Remote Access
6월 15, 2017
Aryaka has launched a clientless SD-WAN delivering software-defined remote access by combining dynamic CDN and global SD-WAN technologies.
Aryaka rolls out remote access as a service on its private network
6월 15, 2017
Aryaka introduced SmartACCESS, a software-defined remote access as a service for mobile and remote users designed to ease and speed VPN connections.
Aryaka Adds Mobile SD-WAN to Network
6월 15, 2017
The software-defined wide-area network (SD-WAN) market is evolving quickly, with more than a dozen startups going after the need for better WAN and cloud connectivity. Aryaka, one of the leaders in the space — but one of the few with its own private network — continues to add features to its network-as-a-service (NAAS) model.
5월 23, 2017
Traditionally, network architects have questioned the wisdom of using the internet for VoIP. While a private backbone provides the very best VoIP performance, the right SD-WAN with the right functionality allows the use of the internet to provide good performance of voice.
Report Finds Global WAN Traffic Increase of 200%
5월 15, 2017
A global WAN traffic increase of 200% is driving companies to increase the speed of their connections, notes SD-WAN provider Aryaka in research based on…
Enterprises Are Running Cloud-Based Apps Nearly 50% Of The Time
5월 14, 2017
46.3% of all enterprise WAN traffic is cloud-based, split between HTTPS (27.8%) and HTTP (18.5%). These and other findings from Aryaka’s State of the WAN Report, 2017 released this week quantify how quickly cloud adoption is accelerating in the enterprise.
How a logistics firm leverages SD-WAN for competitive advantage
5월 12, 2017
Freight forwarding firm JAS Global has cut trimmed millions from its bandwidth costs using network software. Next, it intends to leverage the technology for a predictive analytics system.
State of the WAN: 50% of WAN traffic is in the cloud
5월 12, 2017
Aryaka’s 2017 State of the WAN report shows the cloud era has arrived in a big way, making SD-WANs business-critical.
Indian companies’ overseas expansion spurs demand for SD-WAN: Aryaka’s Ashwath Nagaraj
4월 27, 2017
With more number of Indian organisations expanding globally, Aryaka’s founder & CTO Ashwath Nagaraj says that SD-WAN will enable them to be more productive and efficient globally.