Enterprises Are Running Cloud-Based Apps Nearly 50% Of The Time
5월 14, 2017
46.3% of all enterprise WAN traffic is cloud-based, split between HTTPS (27.8%) and HTTP (18.5%). These and other findings from Aryaka’s State of the WAN Report, 2017 released this week quantify how quickly cloud adoption is accelerating in the enterprise.
How a logistics firm leverages SD-WAN for competitive advantage
5월 12, 2017
Freight forwarding firm JAS Global has cut trimmed millions from its bandwidth costs using network software. Next, it intends to leverage the technology for a predictive analytics system.
State of the WAN: 50% of WAN traffic is in the cloud
5월 12, 2017
Aryaka’s 2017 State of the WAN report shows the cloud era has arrived in a big way, making SD-WANs business-critical.
Indian companies’ overseas expansion spurs demand for SD-WAN: Aryaka’s Ashwath Nagaraj
4월 27, 2017
With more number of Indian organisations expanding globally, Aryaka’s founder & CTO Ashwath Nagaraj says that SD-WAN will enable them to be more productive and efficient globally.
SD-WAN: Entry Point For Software-Defined Everything
3월 20, 2017
From the business perspective, a network no longer consists of boxes, cables, and carrier-provided WAN connectivity. Instead, the network now connects people and the application resources they require – with central, flexible control and management of access and other security policies.
SD-WAN: Right for the Cloud Era?
3월 14, 2017
Not only has WAN transformation been talked about for decades, but SD-WAN in particular has been a red-hot topic for the last couple of years. Investors seem to believe the market will stay this way as well; over the past couple of months both VeloCloud and Aryaka have raised additional funds to be able to meet the explosion in user demand for SD-WAN.
PlanetOne Puts Aryaka SD-WAN in Portfolio
2월 28, 2017
Three things are unavoidable in life: death, taxes and technology hype. Some hype is just that, fodder for rhetoric and pontification; however, there is technology out there receiving well deserved attention.
We’re actively expanding our partner community in India: Feroz Zaveri, Aryaka Networks
2월 28, 2017
Aryaka Networks’ APAC Business Head, Feroz Zaveri, in a chat with Voice&Data Zaveri elaborates on Aryaka focus and strategy roadmap that will assist large enterprises to leverage the shift to digital economy in India.
Post $45 Million Investment, Aryaka Predicts Partner Opportunities
2월 22, 2017
Aryaka Networks, the software-defined wide area networking (SD-WAN) provider, plans to help its partner grow as it grows globally.
10 Game-Changing IT Startups That Raised Funding In January
2월 3, 2017
Cybersecurity, hybrid cloud and networking companies were among those that collected VC rounds in January.
Deutsche Telekom Capital Partners bets on Aryaka and SD-WAN
2월 3, 2017
Global software-defined WAN (SD-WAN) provider Aryaka announced its series D financing round. The round was led by two new investors, Third Point Ventures and Deutsche Telekom Capital Partners (DTCP), displaying strong endorsement of the company’s global SD-WAN platform.