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SD-WAN and Cloud-Based Security: A Winning Combination for Global Enterprises

SD-WAN and Private Network Security

In case you missed it, Aryaka and Palo Alto Networks recently held a webinar to discuss how organizations can achieve secure, reliable connectivity by combining SD-WAN with cloud-based security. If your business runs on cloud applications, like many today do, then you know how important it is to have a network that connects employees around the world at lightning speed while keeping the data they share secure.

Aryaka uses a multi-layer security model, widely considered to be a best practice to offer defense in depth. With the expanding attack surface that enterprises face, each layer protects against a specific set of vulnerabilities and threats, significantly reducing the risk of exposure.

Multi-Layered Security Platform – Aryaka Passport

Aryaka provides enterprises with an essential level of security, ensuring that business-critical application traffic is not exposed to the public Internet and the threats that come with it. Here’s how we do that:

The First Line of Defense – Global Private Network

On Aryaka’s global private network, data and applications travel on dedicated and secure communication channels that are encrypted and exclusive to each organization. The network is completely closed so that no entry point is visible to the public and potential external threats.

Cloud Security for Internet-Bound Traffic

The network edge is often the first line of defense when it comes to security threats. Aryaka provides a virtual stateful firewall as part of its SD-WAN, along with a simplified insertion model to prevent packet loss and latency that are common on the public Internet.

The combined solution does not require additional hardware, appliances, or software. It is easy and cost-effective to deploy and manage. Any organization, no matter how large or small, can create comprehensive, precise security policies, resulting in the safe deployment of any application, anywhere in the world.

Detecting Cloud Security Threats

For enterprises with workloads hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure, Aryaka and Palo Alto Networks Global Protect Cloud Services (GPCS) protect data and applications hosted in those environments.

Security by Aryaka SmartCONNECT and Palo Alto

No matter where your users are located, your IT team will be able to see specifics on all user activity across applications. This level of visibility makes it possible to detect and stop threats before they become full-blown security breaches.

For example, an IT manager can see hundreds of connections from one or two regions with 0k or 1k traffic and identify the potential beginning of a DDoS attack. This visibility provides an opportunity to examine these endpoints for malware, clean them, and stop a DDoS attack at the before it even hits global communication channels, costing company business disruption, and additional expenses.

Learn More

Not only can you stop threats before they become a problem, all of this activity can happen behind the scenes without any disruption of service for your end users. A global SD-WAN will give you the security you need without compromising the speed that’s also essential for success.

Watch the webinar, SD-WAN Security Best Practices: How to Achieve Security and Performance SLAs for Cloud Applications, for more information on deploying a multi-layer approach to protect your organization’s data without compromising application speed and performance.

About the author

Randy Barr
Randy Barr is a seasoned Security and IT veteran with more than 20 years of Information Technology and leadership experience. Randy is the Chief Security Officer at Aryaka Networks and leads the company’s Global Security and IT operations.