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Meet the Aryaka Intern: Manomay Narasimha

I am a rising junior at San Jose State University pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a minor in Mathematics. At the end of my second year, I got an excellent opportunity to intern at Aryaka Networks as an Engineering intern.

Going into this internship, I did not know any of the technologies I used, nor did I have the basic knowledge required to grasp the technologies quickly. My managers, Ritu Sood, and Srinivasa Addepalli, recognized that. As a result, my managers were very kind/compassionate and gave me enough time to learn the basic concepts, and in parallel, with their help, I was able to make progress on the practical aspects of the project as well.

This internship taught me the most important lesson that engineering is all about learning how to learn and that I should never shy away from challenges. Challenges can be resolved by perseverance. One instance of this was in my trying to understand what my project was all about. For a person who did not know what Kubernetes, Docker, Virtual Machine, Traffic, Throughput, Latency, etc. meant, I was able to persist, and with the help of my managers and searching on Google, I was able to understand what my project was all about. I also learned the significance of asking the right questions to understand the requirements better and speed up progress.

Whenever I had any questions, my manager, Ritu, was always there for me. I wouldn’t be here without her help and guidance. I want to express my gratitude to her from the bottom of my heart. Throughout this internship, I had several opportunities to present my work to Aryaka employees. Consequently, I could work on my communication and presentation skills through the feedback that I received from my managers and some of the other Aryaka employees. I could see the difference between the first Lunch & Learn presentation given and the final one. In the last presentation, I was more confident about the material I was presenting, had less stage fear, spoke louder and more clearly, and could make better eye contact with the audience.

I still have a long way to improve, but the first step is the most important one and I would like to thank Aryaka for giving me the opportunity to grow my skills. Additionally, some of the interns helped me out as well. I thank Sandeep Potturi and Arjun Gadiyar for taking time out of their work and helping me whenever I asked.

Overall, this internship has shaped me into a better engineer by enhancing my technical and non-technical skills. I have learned life lessons that I will never forget. I will continue to grow and develop as an engineer. My internship at Aryaka has given me a great foundation to achieve great things in my career.

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