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Buyer’s Checklist for WAN Optimization

Buyer’s Checklist for WAN Optimization

Purchase decisions are never easy with the information one has access to, these days. Right from a new phone to an entire global networking strategy, the savvy consumer researches, validates, checks reviews and then buys. Considering the lead times and price points, network infrastructure purchase decisions are of the worst kind. They are usually not […]

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Why the Internet still fails most businesses

Why the Internet still fails most businesses

Enterprise-class services like WAN Optimization and CDNs have widened the divide between large enterprises and small business, but there’s one technology that promises to change that.  We’ve all read a forest’s worth of stories on how the Internet is changing business. Because of the Internet, we can interact with people an ocean away as easy […]

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Lossy Internet Syndrome (LIS): How Internet Latency is killing your Network

Lossy Internet Syndrome (LIS): How Internet Latency is killing your Network

No, this isn’t a medical interest piece. Far from it. However, there may be something to be said about the Internet today as it needs a reality check (up). LIS is a particularly dangerous syndrome affecting enterprises. There was a time when Internet speeds were measured in kilobits per second with 28.8 dial up modems. […]

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5 Common Myths about CDNs that Clog your Content

5 Common Myths about CDNs that Clog your Content

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) have been around since the late 90’s and are already a key component of IT strategy when it comes to video streaming, social media, and retail/e-commerce. CDNs have certainly evolved from their beginnings in 1997. Traditional CDNs were built for a read-only web. They relied on centralized DNS servers combined with […]

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5 Common Myths about MPLS that Hurt Your Business

5 Common Myths about MPLS that Hurt Your Business

I often wonder why businesses stick with outdated technologies, such as MPLS, when superior alternatives are available at a much lower cost. I ask my sales team what they hear in the trenches, and the excuses they’re given are legion – and most sound like rationalizations. This isn’t meant to knock people making those decisions, […]

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Pluto Cloud Services CEO speaks out against MPLS and traditional WAN opt

Pluto Cloud Services CEO speaks out against MPLS and traditional WAN opt

The status quo is failing companies worldwide, and Pluto Cloud Services is ready to help them change By Larry Chaffin, Chairman and CEO, Pluto Cloud Services My company had always been selling telco carrier MPLS and WAN acceleration appliances to our customers. It was a good fit, did its job and was accepted by companies as […]

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As interest in leveraging public cloud computing services and SaaS such as Microsoft Office 365 increases, WAN managers need to be able to support these initiatives, while still maintaining the network security, visibility and control they and their management have come to expect. The trend to consolidate applications and servers to a small number of […]

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When Your Job Becomes a Home

When Your Job Becomes a Home

By Vicky Semenina “Are you nervous?” These words rushed into my system, triggering my heart to quicken to a frightening pace. Was I that obvious? Dressed in fancy clothing, carefully picked out the day before, I tried to act like an adult. This was more than just a job interview. This was my very first […]

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Patent Recognition

Patent Recognition

Judging from recent headlines, the WAN Optimization market is in a state of upheaval. With Riverbed fending off activist investor Elliott Management and Riverbed and Silver Peak embroiled in a patent dispute, it seems like the WAN Optimization market is in a state of crisis. It is, but not in the way you think. The […]

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Aryaka’s 2014 State of the Enterprise WAN Report: 5 Key Findings [Infographic]

Aryaka’s 2014 State of the Enterprise WAN Report: 5 Key Findings [Infographic]

Worldwide, the demand for business-class Internet connectivity is sky high. In 2013, traffic growth rose by 282% worldwide, with Asia leading the surge, with a 321% growth rate. Asia, however, was also the region with the least reliable last-mile connections (more on that in a minute). The 2014 State of the WAN report is based […]

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