Just Play is a leader in the children’s consumer goods industry, working with some of the most recognizable children’s entertainment brands to manufacture and distribute exceptional toys.
Their designers have a high attention to detail – which means creating extremely large high resolution files to send to their development team abroad. Using a distributed file system through Microsoft, Just Play designers were sending their artwork (and business users their PowerPoints) by sharing files with four servers, each in a different location. Files were copied on the backend so that it appeared as if it were traveling from one location to another in real time. This, however, caused replication errors and consistent frustration for Just Play’s workers, because their network wasn’t fast enough to keep these large files performing in real time.
Network infrastructure was not fast enough to keep large files preforming in real time.
“During July and August, we normally would have calls every day, asking for support around file transfers or replication issues. This year, we had no calls because everything was being delivered seamlessly through our network.“
John Roth, IT Manager, Just Play
Just Play’s IT team considered constructing a point-to-point network, although the costs of extending the network to Hong Kong would have been prohibitively high. Instead, they decided to try Aryaka SmartCONNECT, a consumable fully managed service with a full mesh topology and built-in SD-WAN and WAN Optimization instead. The frequent issues with connectivity to Hong Kong virtually disappeared, and, because Aryaka is able to replicate Just Play’s directory structures and optimize the traffic as it traverses the network, the company saves hours that once would have been wasted on file transfers.
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amount saved per year
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